Our Story

“Family … all because two people fell in Love”

Eric and I met through a mutual friend back in March 2003. We hit it off instantly and after some (ok a lot) of pursuing on Eric’s part, I finally gave in and gave him a chance.  The rest is history. We dated, got engaged and then got married on  December 2, 2006.  Our honeymoon was a dream come true. We went to Maui, enjoyed the sun and had the best adventures together.  Our best vacation EVER.

Exactly a month to the day we were married (January 2, 2007) we found out I was pregnant! We couldn’t believe it happened so fast – but we were ready.  I will never forget telling our parents. We gave Eric’s parents a pair of white baby booties and mine a frame with 3 pictures of us holding signs saying “We are”,  “having a”, “BABY!”.  We told everyone we knew, so excited about the future.  I was right on track with a due date of Sept 13, 2007.  On February 7th we went in for a routine check up and ultrasound just as carefree as ever. Just happy to take a peek at our bean and get a picture.  It didn’t go as we thought.  Instead of happy, it was devastating.  We were SHOCKED to find out that our beans little heart had stopped beating sometime during that week. Neither of us had ever even considered miscarriage.  I hadn’t even thought it to be a possibility. I just figured I would hold my baby in September.  It was a very hard and emotionally draining time for us.  But we got through it.  We mourned our loss, picked ourselves up and once the doctor cleared me, we started to try again.  That was all we could do, so we did. 

A few months later, I got pregnant again. Our 2nd beans due date would be February 13, 2008.  We were cautiously optimistic.  This time we didn’t shout it from the rooftops, there was no cute ways of telling family. We told our parents, siblings and our best friends and asked them to not tell anyone else.  We were still excited.  We really didn’t think we would lose another baby. Sadly, on July 13th, we did.  With a concerned call into my Dr after some back pain and spotting, an ultrasound confirmed our worst fear.  We were devastated all over again.  Personally, this time it was harder to pick myself up again.  I had a million questions running through my mind.  Was there something wrong with me? With the baby? The doctor did a full workup on our bean after I underwent a D&C.  The test results showed a perfectly healthy baby. It was totally heartbreaking to think everything was perfectly fine with our bean, and possibly the first one as well. 

Since we had already been through so much with our heaven babies and hadn’t even been married a year yet –  we decided to take a break from actively trying. If it happened, it happened. Then in September 2007 the company I had been working for the last 4 years was going out of business and I found myself out of a job.  Another reason trying for a baby probably wasn’t the smartest idea at the time.  God thought differently! 3 days into my unemployment (and on Halloween!) I had a hunch.  I didn’t even tell Eric about my hunch, I just took a test.  I was pregnant!! I was happy, scared, excited.. so many things! I didn’t know how Eric would receive the news given the timing, and our track record.  To my surprise he was excited – still cautiously optimistic – and just reasoned that maybe my unemployment was a blessing in disguise at that time.  My doctor prescribed me progesterone immediately and told me not to work and to take it easy until after my first trimester.  So I did.

I am so jealous of those that have pregnancies that aren’t jaded by loss.  I wish I could have just enjoyed my pregnancy worry free, like I thought I would the first time around.  Each week was a milestone for us. With a lot of prayer, hope and patience, on July 17, 2008 at 9:19am our miracle Darby Lynne was born.

Darby was born a year to the day that I had been in the very same hospital, with the same Doctor, at the same TIME having my D&C after loosing our 2nd baby.

Darby was/is a dream come true.  Reflecting on the journey that brought us to her makes more sense now.  I know that if we hadn’t endured the losses, we wouldn’t have HER.  I can’t even imagine not having her.  She is everything to us and brings us SO much joy. 

Who knows what is in store for us next!

Check out www.ohbabymurray.blogspot.com for my blog from the earlier years!!!

3 responses to “Our Story

  1. Mandie

    OMG…I love your love story Annie! Even though I already knew your story somewhat it was still nice to read it over again with more details. Brought tears to my eyes! Darby is indeed a miracle baby from God! I’m so happy for you both! Can’t wait to really meet up someday and see you 3 together! You know we are trying to have a reunion and big party for Kimi’s 1st bday…so maybe an idea for you to come visit???!!!

  2. Bonnie

    Hi Annie,
    Angela told me about your accident. I was so unnerved seeing as on April 22, I witnessed some one running a light. Lucky he only his the back side of this man’s car. I was in perfect shot to see this take place. I was just coming up to the light but saw this scene play out. I pulled over because I wanted to make sure the story was told from an honest view, I did not want it to be “his fault” at the scene and then turn his story around. I also wanted to be sure he (the man that was hit) did not have a little Darby on board and maybe needed some help. At that intersection, it wasn’t crowded, only a couple other cars passing by. The man thanked me for stopping by and giving my #. We have to hope that when we are called upon, we do the right thing. Maybe some time I will need the same help. I am so glad you had the angels with you or perhaps your inner voice was speaking loud enough for you to hear and act.
    Hugs to you and Darby.

  3. Christina Hallacy

    Annie you and Eric went through sooo much emotion and heartbreak to arrive to the happiness you have now, and I truely admire your strength. Darby is truely your blessing of a baby and the little dude on the way is the cherry on top. Congrats and good luck with the new one… =)


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